Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

TrueBlue enjoys a positive reputation in the industry because of our commitment to our core values and the highest standards of ethical behavior. We will not compromise these commitments under any circumstance.

Corporate Governance

Board Leadership

Our board of directors oversees the exercise of corporate powers and ensures that the Company’s business and affairs are managed to meet its stated goals and objectives and that the long-term interests of the shareholders are served.

Public Policy & Political Engagement

We encourage our Employees to participate in our political system by voting and becoming active in civic and political activities. However, except as specifically permitted by law and expressly authorized by Company Policy, the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer or General Counsel, Employees should not give any direct or indirect contributions, services or other property on behalf of TrueBlue to any candidate for public office, or to any political party or other political organization.

Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest occurs when your private interest interferes in any way – or even appears to interfere – with TrueBlue’s interests. A conflict of interest can arise if you take actions or have interests or relationships that may make it difficult to perform your work objectively and effectively. You should also avoid business relationships with any individual or company that could create the appearance of impropriety or interfere with your ability to perform your work responsibilities.

TrueBlue – The People Company

Code of Conduct & Ethics

Our Code of Conduct and Business Ethics describes the expectations we hold for each employee, from our commitment to treat each other kindly to our zero tolerance for fraud, bribery or corruption. It reflects who we are, how we work, and is based on our core values and the law. The Code applies to the members of the Board of Directors and to officers and all other employees who work for TrueBlue and its affiliates worldwide.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Ethics and compliance form the foundation of TrueBlue’s global business activities and are at the forefront of every business decision we make and every action we take. We also expect our suppliers to act with the greatest of integrity, as stipulated in our Supplier Code of Conduct.

This code sets the expectation that they will protect our employees’ and clients’ privacy and data and further addresses anti-corruption, including the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK Bribery Act, as well as conflicts of interest, insider trading, and accurate accounting and business records and disclosures.

Privacy & Security

The nature of our business requires us to use, store, and transmit sensitive data, including personally identifiable information about applicants, candidates, contingent workers, permanent placements, our employees and our customers.

We have an inherent responsibility to protect this information, whether in physical or electronic form. We and our third-party vendors have established policies and procedures to help protect the security and privacy of this information. The collection of policies is organized in accordance with IS 27001:2013, Information Technology – Code of Practice for Information Security Management, an international standard in compliance with other regulatory and compliance mandates, where applicable.

Executive Compensation

The Compensation Committee of TrueBlue, Inc.’s Board of Directors oversees, regularly reviews, and approves compensation programs for our CEO and other executives. The Committee retains independent compensation consultant. The compensation programs emphasize pay for performance in both short- and long-term incentive elements.